Need a Dentist or Doctor near you in Croydon South, Ringwood East? We are at 111 Bayswater Road, Croydon South!
Welcome to Eastfield Medical Centre in Croydon South!

You’ve driven past our new building located at 111 Bayswater Road, Croydon South and seen the signs we now have installed!
Yes, we’ve finally found an amazing local GP – Dr Thomas Yam of Eastfield Medical Centre. You can visit Eastfield Medical Centre on facebook here. Dr Yam offers bulk billing for children, University students and pensioners. Dr Yam is the personal owner and operator of the clinic – this is not your typical corporate medical clinic! Dr Yam takes the time to understand your problems and offer personal care.
You need a bulk billing dentist for your kids dental clinic treatment!

Yes, we are bulk bill dentists for eligible children aged 2-17! We can tell you if your kids can access this treatment with Medicare’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule!
Simply call us on 9725 2029, let us know your kid’s details and your Medicare card number, and we can look up to check your eligiblity for you.
If you’ve received a letter from Medicare saying your eligible, then click here to make an online appointment to see the dentists at Elation Dental!