Dental Update

Elation Dental will be open limited hours for dental emergencies during COVID19

Elation Dental sign
Our sign is above the entrance to our dental clinic in Croydon South

Elation Dental will be open for Dental Emergencies during #COVID19

It’s been an absolutely crazy week, I think we can all agree! The good news – Elation Dental is an essential healthcare provider, and we are still open for business!

In other news – we are commited to reducing #COVID19 and are complying with the “ADA Guidance on Dental Treatment during COVID19 Pandemic” which we have just received.

Our focus is helping you with emergency dental appointments during this time.

We are focusing on priority emergency dental treatment (toothaches, pains, swellings, abscesses, fractures and so on) with minimal/no use of aerosol generating equipment (dental drills).

If you are concerned about a dental problems that may worsen in the near future, we are also able to offer a consultation. We anticipate further lockdowns impending, and want to reduce your risk of infection/pain if at risk.

How to contact us during COVID19

For emergency appointments

  • Call us on 9725 2029, and leave your details for a callback.
  • Alternatively, send us an SMS to 0434 881 479 with your name and a brief description of your problem.
  • Currently online bookings are disabled.

We will be open limited weekdays from March 30th with appointments required. 

Routine and cosmetic dental work should be postponed during the COVID19 Pandemic.

We are in the process of contacting our wonderful patients to reschedule non essential, non emergency dental work. If you have a routine appointment with us from now to April, we’ll contact you via SMS or phone. We will put you on our priority list for when regular work will resume.

Routine dental cleaning is against ADA Guidance during the COVID19 Pandemic.

While we’d love to see you for your regular dental cleaning, it’s just not the right time at the moment. The use of ultrasonic scalers (that noisy thing that sprays out huge amounts of water, that we use to clean your teeth?) generates a large amount of aerosols. We are minimising all aerosol production according to ADA Guidance.

COVID19 signs and symptoms to be aware of

If you’ve been overseas or on a cruise ship in the last 14 days, or have any flu-like symptoms (coughs, sniffles, shortness of breath) or any fever, please do NOT attend our clinic as we must decline entry or treatment. Call your doctor.

We have only one goal – to maintain the best health for you, our staff, our community and our country. So please, #stayathome and #washyourhands😜