Mr Jeremy Kearns – free initial denture consultations at Elation Dental, Croydon South!
Have you met Jeremy? Mr Jeremy Kearns is at Elation Dental every Thursday, and has decades of experience creating the most amazing natural smiles as a dental prosthetist. Whether you need an old denture relined, repaired, or a beautiful new set of dentures constructed, Jeremy is available for a free initial consultation regarding your care!
New dentures, repairs, relines available at Elation DEntal, Croydon South
For an appointment with Jeremy, please call us on 9725 2029. We’re located at the Eastfield shopping centre, corner Bayswater and Eastfield Roads!
Bulk billed dentures and dental care available for eligible patients
We accept all health funds, community centre vouchers, and provide bulk billed treatment to eligible patients (Department of Veterans Affairs, and Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule)
For a denture consultation with Jeremy on a Thursday, please call us on 9725 2029! We also offer online general dental appointments at