Dental Update

Is my severe bad toothache a dental abscess? What should I do next!

What are the symptoms and treatment of a dental abscess?

Call Elation Dental at the first sign of a toothache!

Dental Abscess: Symptoms

A dental abscess is a localized infection that can occur in different parts of the tooth or surrounding tissues. Don’t delay, call Elation Dental in Croydon South today if you’ve got a toothache! Here are the common symptoms:

  1. Severe Toothache: The pain is often intense, throbbing, and persistent.It may radiate to the jaw, neck, or ear.
  2. Swelling: The affected area becomes swollen due to the accumulation of pus. Swelling can occur in the face, cheek, or neck.
  3. Temperature Sensitivity: Discomfort when consuming hot or cold foods and beverages. The tooth may be hypersensitive.
  4. Fever and General Malaise: An elevated body temperature due to the infection. Overall feeling of being unwell.
  5. Tender Lymph Nodes: Lymph nodes near the affected area may become swollen and painful.
  6. Bad Breath: The presence of pus and infection can lead to foul-smelling breath.

Got a late night toothache not getting better, or is it after hours? Book your emergency dental appointment online at Elation Dental Croydon South!

Treatment Options

Prompt treatment is essential to prevent complications. Here’s how dental abscesses are managed:

  1. Drainage:
    • Our amazing gentle dentists at Elation Dental will provide some anaesthetic, then drain the abscess. This relieves pain and removes the pus. Kind of like popping a pimple!
  2. Antibiotics & Pain Relief:
    • Sometimes needed, particularly if you have a bad infection. We are also able to prescribe pain relief for bad toothaches.
  3. Root Canal Treatment:
    • If the tooth can be saved, we can discuss a root canal procedure . The infected pulp is removed, and the root canal is cleaned and sealed. This means you get to keep your tooth!
  4. Tooth Extraction:
    • In severe cases or if the tooth cannot be saved, extraction is necessary.

Remember, call Elation Dental in Croydon South on 9725 2029 ASAP if you have a toothache or suspect a dental abscess infection! We also have online dental appointments available after-hours or anytime.