Dental Update

Regular dental care is available again!

Treatment restrictions are now lifted!

We’ve been only seeing emergencies for the last few months – but now we are able to see patients for regular treatment! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘Œ This includes checkups and cleans, crowns and bridges plus veneers and all regular dental procedures. We also love our cosmetic work including professional tooth whitening (if you have private dental insurance, you may even be eligible for a health insurance rebate towards this treatment)!
Dr Tina So, Dr Tim Wenas and taylah at Elation Dental
Dr Tina So, Dr Tim Wenas and Taylah at Elation Dental

COVIDSafe screening

Part of our COVIDsafe plan is for strict screening of all patients, including checking you’re feeling 100% without any symptoms, temperature tests, signing in at reception and a few other things. You’ll probably find all other businesses are required to take the same precautions in order to ensure everyone’s health.

Our dentists are available for your dental care

Dr Tina So and Dr Tim Wenas are available to provide you with an exceptionally kind, patient and comfortable experience!
Mr Jeremy Kearns is back on Thursdays operating his denture clinic as usual.

Call or SMS for an appointment!

For appointments or enquiries, please call 9725 2029ย  during business hours. Alternatively, send us a SMS on 0402 968 183 if you prefer to communicate using your phone.
ย Please note we are booking up several weeks in advance due to a large backlog of appointments.